Pan seared beef jumbo sausage in a toasted hot dog soft bun, topped with our homemade special Me’nate Coney Sauce & melted mozzarella, Served with yellow ENglish mustard
stdClass Object ( [destination_addresses] => Array ( [0] => Selangor, Malaysia ) [origin_addresses] => Array ( [0] => 3B Curve Business Park, Seksyen 9, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia ) [rows] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [elements] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [distance] => stdClass Object ( [text] => 49.0 mi [value] => 78853 ) [duration] => stdClass Object ( [text] => 1 hour 5 mins [value] => 3908 ) [status] => OK ) ) ) ) [status] => OK )
Pan seared beef jumbo sausage in a toasted hot dog soft bun, topped with our homemade special Me’nate Coney Sauce & melted mozzarella, Served with yellow ENglish mustard
Pan seared beef jumbo sausage in a toasted hot dog soft bun, topped with our homemade special Me’nate Coney Sauce & melted mozzarella, Served with yellow ENglish mustard
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